Thursday, June 6, 2013


It's interesting how the people that don't know what I am feeling have the nerve to say that because I am sad that there is something wrong with me or I need help. Sadness when faced with loss is natural. let me repeat that SADNESS WHEN FACED WITH LOSS IS NATURAL. Do you think it helps to add to someones pain by saying there is something wrong with them? Is there a published scientific guideline of how long sadness is supposed to last? and then if it goes a minute over the socially accepted allotted amount of time they are fucked up and everyone needs to run the opposite direction.

I have seen parts of people who I thought were good during all of this that are so disgusting it is embarrassing to me that I ever considered them even an ounce of good. This is what is wrong with the world, people don't go out there way to help each other, or show love & support, they say it, don't mean it and are more so clearly the selfish asshole they always were.

I am doing what is best for me and taking space and I need to learn to do that without feeling bullied into being what people think I should be or feeling guilt for focusing on myself. I feel like there is an empty hole in my heart that is a vortex and it's sucking every piece of life I have into it. I am the only one who can stop it.

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