So let's first recap last year, I Planted
100 trees, sponsored an elephant, handmade & donated 61 birthday
cards to kids in shelters, donated food & volunteered at a beach
cleanup this year all in memory of my mom. This year has to be bigger and better! So far working on handmade cards to meals on wheels to give to elderly people on Valentines and making a calendar of more.
In personal life its been tough....tough is putting it lightly. I have seen sides of people who I trusted or thoughts I knew that are flat out disgraceful to the human race. I am learning to be better about making peace and letting go faster with situations which is very helpful to my heart and soul. I have also seen a side of my husband that I didn't really know was there. I always thought the best and expected it to be there but never thought there would come a time where I would have to see it. But that time did come in the last few months and I can not express how lucky I feel to have him by my side. He has not only shown me how incredible he is through every repercussion related to my moms death that seems to be never ending but he showed me he isn't just supportive he is protective. He is truly a Knight in shining armor, prince heart.
It seems maybe few but the people who are genuine and true will be there through it all, be thoughtful and understanding and go even if its the tinniest bit the extra effort to show you they are a rock in your life. I feel pretty lucky. I still cry all the time and miss my mom like crazy.....that doesn't seem to be waning at all. But I feel the people who are in my life are here because she knows they are good. She knew before I did that Eric was the one and a great person to the core. I know she is proud of me.....and I am going to keep making a positive impact on this world in her name. Bring it 2014!